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Conferences, symposiums, colloquia, book launches


Conference Eduard Andrei and Alina Gherasim: The woman artist in the communist regime in Romania, represented in the Tyler Collection, Romanian Academy, 8 October 2024 

Conference Adrian-Silvan Ionescu: A German-British photographer, cultural ambassador of Romania in London, in 1924, Art Safari, 4 October 2024

Researches on Romanian medieval and premodern art, 20th ed., G. Oprescu Institute of Art History & The National Museum of Art of Romania, 26-27 September 2024

Romanian Photography. Local perspectives and European trends, 2nd edition; international conference, National Library of Romania & G. Oprescu Institute of Art History

Conference Ozana Alexandrescu: Authors and scribes of Byzantine tradition music in manuscripts found in Romania, Romanian Academy, 27 March 2024   

Conference Adrian-Silvan Ionescu: Roaming the American West in search of heroes,  Jockey Club, Bucharest, 6 March 2024

Conference Daniela Gheorghe: Illustration and editorial policy in Romanian theatre magazines, Romanian Academy, 29 February 2024 

G. Oprescu Institute of Art History


New book releases

A Spring of Hope A Winter of Despair, author and curator: Olivia Nițiș, publisher: Dana Sarmeş, Timișoara: Editura Contrasens, 2024, 96 p.



Klassiker des rumänischen Films, ed. by Dana Duma, Stephan Krause and Anke Pfeifer, Schüren Verlag, Marburg, 2024, 228 p.


Whose Is This Song? Balkan Nationalism, Greece and Shared Culture, ed. by Eleni Elefterias-Kostakidis, Hellenic Theorem Publishers, Sydney, 2024, 230 p. 


The Routledge Handbook of Byzantine Visual Culture in the Danube Regions, 1300–1600, ed. by Maria Alessia Rossi and Alice Isabella Sullivan, Routledge 2024, 422 p. + 96 color ill.


The Routledge Companion to Global Film Music in the Early Sound Era, editor: Jeremy Barham, Routledge, 2024, 808 p.


Other news

Due to the  partnership between G. Oprescu Institute of Art History and the National Institute of Heritage, several old issues of the journal Studii și cercetări de istoria artei, series Artă plastică and Teatru, Muzică, Cinematografie, were digitised and made available online. The journal issues are hosted on the "Digital Library of Cultural Publications" (link).

Our colleague dr. Marian Țuțui participated online, on October 8 and 9, in the 17th International Conference of Art Researchers with the theme "Culture in the Digital Age" organised in Tbilisi, Georgia, by the Shota Rustaveli Theatre and Film Georgia State University. He delivered a papert titled Imperceptible Changes brought by Films and Television to Modern Society.

Conference programme

On 3 September 2024, dr. Olivia Nițiș (G. Oprescu Institute of Art History) gave a presentation at the international colloquium Carmen Sylva, Dora Hitz and Women's Art Networks in Romania and Germany at the Peles National Museum. The colloquium accompanied the opening of the exhibition Carmen Sylva - Dora Hitz: word and image, curated by Dr. Shona Kallestrup (University of St Andrews) and Dr. Natalie Gutgesell (Kunstverein Coburg), with the support of the Peles National Museum.
Olivia Nițiș presented at the colloquium a paper titled Reclaming Visibility: Sonja Nădejde in the Bavarian Art Environment 1895-1904. The researcher emphasised the fact that "the erasure of women from art history is a deep systemic problem", adding: "there is still much to be discovered about 19th century women artists and their educational and professional links with Western centers (Munich, Vienna, Paris)". Her paper is part of a wider effort to restore the identity of these overlooked women artists.


Eduard Andrei and Alina Gherasim

The 2024 Tyler Visiting Fellows, art historian Eduard Andrei (G. Oprescu Institute of Art History) and visual artist and writer Alina Gherasim, both from Romania, presented a research-in-progress webinar about their winning project The woman artist in the communist regime in Romania, represented in the Tyler Collection.

The webinar was scheduled on July 24, 2024 at 9am (Romanian time)/4 pm (Tasmanian time). Their project is focused on the works of four women artists: Geta Brătescu (1926–2018), Sultana Maitec (1928–2016), Georgeta Năpăruș (1930–1997), and Silvia Radu (b. 1935). During the webinar, the two Fellows presented the analysis of the art works created by the four women artists, following the research they did on site, at the University of Tasmania in Hobart, in March 2024.

Cristian Păunescu, adviser to the NBR Governor, Adrian-Silvan Ionescu and Dorin Matei, president of Magazin Istoric Cultural Foundation

During a ceremony held at the National Bank of Romania (NBR) on 23 May, 2024, the Magazin Istoric Cultural Foundation presented its awards for the best volumes published in 2023.
Among the laureates was Dr. Adrian-Silvan Ionescu, director of G. Oprescu Institute of Art History. The "Dinu C. Giurescu" award was offered to him for editing the book of memoirs of his father, Silvan D. Ionescu, Silvan despre Silvan. Memorii răzlețe [Silvan on Silvan: Scattered Memories], published by Corint Publishing House.

Olivia Nițiș, a researcher from G. Oprescu Institute of Art History, is the curator of the exhibition A Spring of Hope, a Winter of Despair, hosted by Hala Faber in Timișoara between 11 and 30 May, 2024, and by Pragovka Gallery in Prague between 6 June and 29 August, 2024. The exhibition includes works by artists Kamila B. Richter & Michael Bielicky, Irina Botea, Vladimir Havlik, Jiří Kovanda, Gabriela Mateescu, Iulian Mereuță, Karel Miler, Delia Popa, Gheorghe Rasovszky, Marilena Preda Sânc, Decebal Scriba, Roxana Trestioreanu and Jiří Valoch, as well of screenings of films made by Eva Koťátkova and Iulia Stătică & Adrian Câtu. A Spring of Hope, a Winter of Despair is a project produced by Contrasens Cultural Association and co-financed by the Administration of the National Cultural Fund.

The George Enescu University of Arts in Iași organised on 29 and 30 March 2024 a series of events dedicated to COPEL MOSCU. The film director was invited to give a masterclass, and his work was presented through the screening of several significant films.
Among the participants was dr. Marian Țuțui, who launched the book Copel Moscu, vocația documentarului cinematografic by Titus Vîjeu and presented a preview of the documentary film Fotografii însângerate by the well-known director. 

Our colleague Marian Țuțui took part in the international colloquium Du Grand Tour à l'Orient-Express: curiosité, exploration, sociabilité, organised in Paris by INALCO (Institut national des langues et civilizations orientales) and the Institute for Political Studies in Belgrade. He presented a paper titled Orient Express and the First Screening of Motion Pictures in Bucharest, in which he put forward five hypotheses concerning the author of the first film screening in Romania and his very probable arrival in Bucharest by Orient Express train.


Raluca Partenie (member of G. Oprescu Institute of Art History) delivered a speech on 21 March during the event Pallady Retro Glamour: Interwar Fashion and Music, on the occasion of the exhibition Pallady. Intimate diary at the Mureş County Museum.
The researcher spoke about interwar fashion, femininity, modernity, thus evoking the historical and cultural context in which Pallady painted some of his female portraits. 


Wednesday meetings

Beginning with September 2011, the G. Oprescu Institute hosts monthly meetings where researchers share with their colleagues various novelties in the field of fine arts, theatre, music or film history.  


IAH kinema

The project "IAH kinema" started in February 2017. Films of documentary and artistic value, less known to the Romanian public, will be projected occasionally for researchers interested in the history of cinema.   
Venue: G. Oprescu Institute of Art History, 196 Calea Victoriei. 


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